Monday, September 30, 2019

Choice of Vertical Firm Boundaries

ETC has been the dominating theoretical lens for analyzing firm boundary design choices. Further research reported several limitations to ETC. The Limitations Include low explanatory power of ETC In industries characterized by weak price competition (Nickering and Silverman 2003) and innovative environment (Welter and Evolves 2008) . The relationship between uncertainty and vertical integration has also been challenged (Dyer 1 996, Hotter 2005, schilling and statesman 2002, walker and Weber 1984,Welter and Evolves 2008). Other limitation of Tee's explanatory power is its narrow level of analysis. ETC looks at â€Å"one transaction at a time†, therefore it neglects interdependencies of boundary choices and is not sufficient to explain the overall firm boundaries. A number of papers elaborated on that deficiency (e. G. Argyles and Liabilities 1 999, Parmigianino and Mitchell 2009). Capabilities approach provides a complementary explanation to understanding firm boundary choices. Tech (1986, 996) argues that decisions of firm scope are related to firm capabilities and profiting from them in the best way. Capabilities approach scholars propose that firms focus on functions that represent the core of their competitive advantage based on superior capabilities and resources formed over time as a result of path-dependent learning process, and outsource non-core capabilities (e. G. Aragua et al. 2003). Further they argue that firms tend to specialize in activities where they have some comparative advantage Cabooses

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Informative Speech: Fire Safety Imagine waking up in the middle of the night

Informative Speech: Fire Safety Imagine waking up in the middle of the night to the sound of a smoke alarm. What is the first thought that goes through your mind? Every year thousands of people die from House fires. I’m here to give you some statistics and some helpful solutions that may save your life. By the end of my speech I hope you will have a better understanding of Fire Safety and things you can do to prevent one in your home. 1. In 2011 Fire Departments responded to 370,000 House fires (NFPA.Org) Of those 370k Fires A. 2590 People died (Not including FF’s) B. 12,910 People were injured C. 7. 2 billion dollars in direct damage D. On Average 7 people died everyday in the U. S E. Nov-March Fires more likely to occur F. 40 percent of house fires occur in homes with no working smoke alarms. 2. Leading cause’s of House fires A. Cooking 5-8 pm B. Heating equipment- Elderly population C. Arson D. Males account for almost double the total cost in damage and fire injuries over women at 4. 8 billion. E.Main two groups of people that are at most risk for causing and being injured by fires. 3. Children A. Children 4 & under a. Children are curious about fire b. Children account for 35k fires per year c. 8k are in homes. B. How to educate Children a. Teach Children that fire is a tool and not a toy b. Teach them not to hide during a fire c. Teach them to go downstairs and not higher (Heat and smoke travel up) d. Teach them Stop Drop and Roll e. Crawl low in smoke f. Teach them how to sleep with the door closed to their bedroom. 4. ElderlyA. Will account for 21 pct of population by 2050. B. Elderly Most prone to Fire. a. Accounting for 25% of all fire related deaths. b. More likely to misuse electrical appliances (Portable heaters, heating blankets) c. More prone to household accidents involving cooking fires, electrical fires and smoking d. Dementia and Alzheimer’s (forgetting to turn of stove or iron) e. 10 pct of elderly are living in p overty, causing them to use candles, space heaters, or even the oven as a heat or light source increasing fire hazards in the home.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A World without Oil Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

A World without Oil - Research Paper Example Our reliance on motor vehicles would make us look for alternative solutions such as electric cars, which are few or converting vehicles that function on natural gas. Following this, a world without oil would dictate the need to replace the oil based infrastructures with new technologies and new sources of energy. The World would revert to the way it was when oil was an unavailable resource. Everything would be local, small farming communities, homes with wood-burning stoves, no more international business, and office places. To some extent, the world would be a better place free from pollution as oil is the major attribute of pollution. Lastly, a world without oil would mean the development of other forms of energy as mentioned previously. With this in mind, the aim of this paper is to discuss how a world without oil would be like. Miller (8) believes that, a world without oil would affect transportation and there would be a dramatic increase of prices for goods and services. This is because civilization and agribusiness depends on large machines that use oil in production and transportation. Insect repellent and fertilizers require oil gas during distribution and production process. When oil is not available, there would be an increase costs on agribusiness as there would be an increasing prices of pesticides and fertilizers, which would result to increase of food prices. Lack of oil would result to small farming communities, as many would lack resources that augment better farming. As discussed by Nakaya (12) indicates that, most of farming activities heavily depend on oil for better harvest, efficient marketing, and distribution. Lack of oil would lead to poor farming and many farmers would fail to meet their expectations. To Miller (25), agriculture is best appealing when there is efficient marketing and transporting at affordable prices. Resourceful transportation is indispensable for successful agricultural marketing. As mentioned, lack of oil would resul t to poor transportation and thus, farmers will be disadvantaged when selling their crops. Expensive services would lead to small farming due to the net profit acquired from the investment. Still, unavailability of oil would cause impassable, infrequent, and slow transport services and this would lead to losses of crops such as fresh vegetable, milk, or tea. There would be low investment on farming, as many farmers would suffer losses. According to McCage (19), the nature of transportation strongly influences the pattern of global business. Trade is usually chocked off by poor transport and in turn affected by underlying factors such as geographical barriers and distance. Oil is fundamental in transportation and its unavailability would deteriorate economic growth. Air transport that heavily depends on oil would responsibly reduce international trading, as traders would lack means to transport commodities. This would have effect on development as many countries would not have the op portunity to trade with other countries. There would be geographical barriers, as many would lack means of transportation. From the above assumption, one can argue that much of transportation depends on oil and therefore its unavailability may deteriorate transportation. Although there may be substitutes, they may not be in quantities needed to maintain the road system (Ross 19). Rose continues to argue that, the world would revert to the way it was when oil was an unavailable resource

Friday, September 27, 2019

Art and Revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Art and Revolution - Essay Example Racism is obviously the key theme to the story since in Richard wright’s life, it is the central theme. In the 1900s the black community is disrespected and suffers at the hands of its white counterpart. Richard does not see any difference between whites and blacks when he is young but his view in life and particularly in relation to the subject above changes as he grows up (Wright 38). At the time of the death of his friend’s brother and his uncle Hoskins his eyes are opened to the truth. The white people being the ones behind this tragedy that engulfs him, makes him yearn for freedom from racism. Hand in hand with racism is the violence around. This is extreme in the southern states where violence is the order of the day. In as much as Richard looks for comfort from his own people when the whites are suppressing them the opposite is what he gets. He is often beaten by his relatives and family members. This experience together with encouragement from his mother forces him to fight against those who attack and suppress him thus becoming violent himself. He gets into fights in school with the hope and expectation that this will attain the respect and freedom he wants from his peers. It doesn’t stop there because at some point he threatens his aunt Addie and his uncle with razor blades. This is a show that he is desperate and hungry for freedom from violence and even if it means him turning into a violent guy, he is ready to play that card (Wright 58). He is always fighting against someone to be himself, express himself and even better himself in case there is a greater challenge the next day. Richard fights and claws his way through everything in life all in an attempt to accomplish the goals that everyone deemed pointless. The other point clearly coming out in our emphasis that there was a hunger for freedom is the issue on oppression. Oppression occurs between couples of different groups of people throughout the novel. The main being the o ppression of the white community over the black community in terms of availed opportunities, preference and outright hatred just but to the mention a few. As we scrutinize this point we should be careful to not forget that oppression is also evident within the black community itself. Be it in the family setting where it is either the father against the children, a husband against a wife or a brother against a sister. Richard is ridiculed and discriminated against for his intellectualism and desire to write by his neighbors, classmates and even his own family members. The people who should have your back at each and every point pulling you down (Wright 74). One word to describe this, very demoralizing. It is not just the white people that hold black people back but the ones oppressed try and hold back those who want and yearn for a better life. Maldoror and the Complete Works of the Comte De Lautreamont The career of Ducasse is a posthumous one since it is chronically complicated by the interpretation of Lautreamont and Malodor which is a mystery and an enigma. He is born in the month of April 1846. His father being well-to-do and he even goes on to become a chancellor but little is known about his mother (Lautreamont 19). The book is first printed in 1868 under the title les chants de Malodor but the next year, the complete Malodor is printed and bound in Belgium where the author is identified as Comte de Lautreamont. This is because of the fear of

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Reading response paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Reading response paper - Essay Example Indeed, it acts as effective weapon of sexism, especially for women because they live in men dominant society where their personal desires play secondary role to the wider expectation from family and social institutions like marriage. Lesbians and even gays are not accepted and treated with overt and covert violence. Homophobia develops because their preferred sexual identity would make them social outcast and they would be deprived of family, financial aid, safety, community and also stripped of credibility! Most interestingly, as Pharr says, if women even ask for the right to equality vis-a-vis employment, wages, social status, they are liable to be treated as lesbians! Feminism for them is equivalent to man-hater and therefore not acceptable within the broader framework of conservative society. Women surrender their lesbian sexuality out fear and it is time that power and control of social fabric become more equitable. The reforms in the social institution of society must focus on the root cause and not the peripheral issues of women. (words:259) ‘Cat’ by Julie Blackwomon has touched the awareness of burgeoning sexuality amongst girls when they enter their teens. In fact, author has shown that gender differentiation and sexuality among children does not rear its dirty head till parental control become more emphatic and visible. In this case, the protagonist, ‘Cat’ is confused as to why her mother does not want her to play with neighborhood boys. Her insistence to befriend girls of her age, especially one like ‘Sheila’ makes Cat more rebellious. Her adolescence becomes a cause of shame as it would bring in physical changes that would make her gender differences more visible and may alter her relations with her friends who are boys. The author has shown how sexual awareness could challenge social norms imposed by dominant male bastion. The innocent love between two girlfriends gradually turns into sexual awareness leading to lesbian behavior. Indeed, it is very important aspect of our conservative society as it disapproves friendship between genders in adolescents. The restraining environment and parental control may lead girls to experiment their sexuality with themselves as was the case with Cat and Sheila. If children are not forced to segregate in their teens because of the gender, the need to experiment deviant sexual behavior could be averted or atleast minimized. It is important for parents to become more open in their explanation of sex and empower children with information. It would help children to confide their fears and their doubts with their parent rather than explore sexuality in secret and develop preferences which otherwise could have been avoided. (words: 262) ‘Older women: The realities’ by OWL or Older Women League is highly relevant article because it has shown that sacrifices made by women as carers within family are not appreciated by society, especially when they become old. It reveals that in America, women above the age of 65 and above live six years longer than men and mostly alone. Despite spending most of their life in caring for other, they are relatively poor in their old age and live in poverty, unable to support their physical and medical expenses. Due to their family constraints they have lower or no pension, insufficient Medicare and most importantly low social security because they were unable to pay for it during their short employment period. The

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

On the Control People Have Over Their Behavior, Emotions, and Thoughts Essay

On the Control People Have Over Their Behavior, Emotions, and Thoughts - Essay Example If he is in control, just how much control does he have over these aspects of himself? This paper takes the position that we do not know what we are doing in most situations. We are not in control (Armstrong 22-38; Thurman 460-473; Stout 381-398). It is interesting how the different authors portray man. In a way their portrayal also defines what it means for man to be free, and just how free he is in reality. Armstrong, for one, notes that man is not totally free to be anything, because he is hardwired to look for God. He is a religious being as much as he is descended from apes and has that particular anatomy. There in that vision of man there seems to be already a defining and a limiting of what man can be. He is not free to be anything he wants to be. He must by his very nature act, think and feel in accordance with his wiring. That wiring includes looking for God. Thurman also seems to think the same way, in a sense. He says that in essence the ego or the individual is not in con trol of himself, because the ego is always in flux. He is a bundle of passing thoughts, feelings, and actions. Stout seems to say the same thing, in the language of trauma and the human brain. She is saying that trauma, for instance, can affect the way people perceive the world. Trauma changes the way the brain is wired. It is so that people are not in control of the way they react to things that remind them of traumatic events (Armstrong 22-38; Thurman 460-473; Stout 381-398). Discussion Reading Stout, for instance, we come face to face with just how vulnerable man is to trauma. Trauma can reshape the brain itself. With the brain reshaped, a person’s thoughts and feelings are affected. Of course with the thoughts affected and changed in profound ways, actions are likewise reshaped and affected. We see that man can be so affected by trauma as to be unaware that he is acting out of reason, for instance. It can be also that man can be unaware that he is acting out of a reaction to a past traumatic event. How much control does man have in this instance? Obviously man is not much in control. To be aware means to know that one’s actions are coming from a deep-rooted fear. People who experienced trauma sometimes do not know that. They are unconscious of the effect that fear and memory have on their feelings, thoughts and actions: â€Å" †¦ nor do we comprehend how swampy and vitality-sucking some of our memories really are†¦in the course of a lifetime such â€Å"protective† mental reactions acquire tremendous habit strength† (Stout 384).Stout’s point is that there is much in man that he is not even aware of. Those things that he is not aware of largely control him. Those things affect how he feels and how he thinks. Those things affect how he reacts to the world and to his life as that life unfolds. So to the question of whether man knows what he is doing in most situations, it seems the answer from Stout is no. I agree. An ordinary man cannot know what all of his hidden fears are. Sometimes even when he thinks he knows he does not really know why he acts the way he does. Sometimes I feel sad for no reason at all, after hearing an old song, for instance. It may be that deep in my memory there is something about the song that I associate with something sad or unpleasant. It may be even something that I was afraid of at some point that I associate with the song. It may be something traumatic that I cannot fully understand. Armstrong has a

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Public Health Nursing in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Assignment - 66

Public Health Nursing in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania - Assignment Example This, therefore, implies that chronic diseases and lack of access to quality treatment and prevention services are the key health concerns, in this county. For instance, the most recent research on community health, in Pennsylvania State, indicated that more than 60 percent of people who participated in this study cited several unmet needs such as access to dental care, oral health education, mental health education and treatment services, access to health care through support and insurance services, and nutrition education and counseling (Elliott, 2012). Delivery of quality health care services to people of Lancaster County is a significant duty of both the community itself and the available private and public health facilities. This paper, therefore, identifies and describes the problems facing public health nursing in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and provides appropriate solutions to these problems. Stanhope and Lancaster in their book, â€Å"Public Health Nursing†, provide some community health concepts such as community as a client, population-centered nursing in rural and urban environments and promoting health through communities and cities, and their significance in promoting quality healthcare delivery (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2012). The problems cited by Lancaster people are some of the significant health service needs, which are primarily community-based needs. Improving health care delivery, in this county, requires more health care attention than what is currently being implemented by the public health in Pennsylvania. Lancaster community health is primarily challenged by two factors, which include management of chronic diseases and access to personal health (Elliott, 2012). There are crucial disparities in health status and access by geography and race/ethnicity with central city’s residents while the rural population faces the greatest challenge. Many rur al dwellers are suffering from significant public health problems such as STDs, lead poisoning, and tuberculosis while not getting the attention or  resources required for understanding, preventing and treating these health problems.  

Monday, September 23, 2019

Pension Fund SWOT Analysis & Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Pension Fund SWOT Analysis & Strategy - Essay Example However, cannot be defined accurately but it can be felt and sensed. Likewise, an organization has its own culture, rules and regulations to follow. Organizations are like societies; therefore, they have their own parameters. If the rules, regulations and parameters are followed strictly and the productivity outcome is excellent, the organization has strong organizational culture. Otherwise, the organizational culture is weak, it is not implemented strongly, or there are weaknesses in set parameters. Significant benefits are obtainable through strong organizational culture. Nonetheless, it is possible when the fundamental of survival structured on ability of an organization regarding changing and acquiring. Thus, strong culture is a liability for an organization (Mobley, Lena and Kate, 128-139). However, strong culture requires SWOT analysis of all the stakeholders of an organization. Five significant external and internal factors There are five significant external factors, which in fluence positively or negatively the environment of an organization. 1. Customers: The customers of an organization are the core external target of an organization. The customers can be pursued through marketing, and attractive corporate knowledge. An organization needs clients to sell its products; therefore, it is necessary to increase clients. Moreover, strong client’s organization attachment is mandatory. 2... In addition, the understanding of economic helps to target new markets. 4. Competition: The target markets and ways of business are attached to competitive environment. The organization can decide to enter in a less competitive market or can chose to enter directly in a full competitive market. The market planning of an organization is a decisive factor for success and failure. Clearly, the planning is devised according to competitors’ moves. 5. The public rating: If an organization, fails to gain public support or falls into a scandal it would lose significant business. Public relation professionals are hired to influence public opinion regarding the reputation of an organization. Similarly, five environmental factors affect the internal environment of an organization. They are following: 1. Organizational resources: factors like management techniques, good will, and reputation of company, decision-making models, procedures, and systems are organizational resources. 2. Techno logy: proprietary knowledge, technological skills, patents, licenses, procedures, computers, IT etc. are technological factors. 3. HRM: hiring and decide the ability of an employee through monitoring, dichotomize sales people, engineers, IT people etc. management and supervision of working environment. 4. Physical resources: buildings, vehicles, inventories, land, equipments and plants are physical resources. 5. Financial capital: the availability of new equity, debt capacity, cash flow in sales and purchase and other related dimensions. If an organization does not have skilled staff, it would exhibit weak leadership of the organization. Poor leaders are unable to recognize talent among workers. Moreover, due to their own weak performance

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The power of language Essay Example for Free

The power of language Essay Although Susanne Langer did a study on humans and animals to show signs vs. symbols in understanding language, Helen Keller and Malcolm X took different paths on discovering the power of language. Langer brings up how there is a difference between symbols and signs, which most people consider them one in the same. For Keller she was deaf and blind from the age of 19 months, where she had difficulty learning how to communicate and understand language. In Malcolm X’s case, he was a street hustler who didn’t get proper education and was frustrated when he couldn’t get his point across through his letters he wrote. In â€Å"Language and thought† it was said, â€Å"A sign is anything that announces the existence or the imminence of some event, the presence of a thing or a person, or a change in the state of affairs† (Langer, Pg. 28). Where both humans and animals use signs all the time. For both of us sounds, smells, and motions could be signs of food, danger, the presence of others around us, or of a storm approaching. For animals they use signs for defense, to call out for others, signs of feelings or intentions to be reckoned with or just to let them in. Humans use signs way more than animals in their everyday life. We answer calls, read other peoples expressions, watch the sky or animals for coming storms, cross streets when there’s a walk man, or wait when it says, stop at red lights and go at green. â€Å"In every case a sign is closely bound up with something to be noted or expected in experience† (Langer, Pg. 28). â€Å"A symbol differs from a sign in that it does not announce the presence of the object, the being, condition, or whatnot, which is its meaning, but merely brings this thing to mind. † (Langer, Pg. 28). The difference between sign and symbol is that a sign generates us â€Å"to think or act in the face of the thing signified†, and a symbol is people’s concept of the thing symbolized. There are many things that are considered symbols, including words, pictures and memories. For example a heart is a symbol of love and a picture of a smiley face is a symbol of happiness. There are symbols everywhere with great significance or little value. But, according to Langer â€Å"The essence of language is symbolic, not signific. † (Langer, Pg. 31) Since Helen Keller was deaf and blind from a very young age, she didn’t know how to communicate her wants, needs and connect with the people around her. So finally at the age of seven her parents reached out to a teacher familiar with teaching the blind and deaf. Her teachers name was Miss Sullivan who taught her how to communicate by writing the words in Helens hand and letting her feel or touch the object to grasp exactly what it was. It started of with small inanimate objects like doll, hat and cup. Each time they would progress to more difficult words like sit, stand, walk and water. They went from words to sentences to trying to figure out how to explain the word love. Once she understood miss Sullivan’s definition of love, Keller â€Å"felt that there were invisible lines stretched between her spirit and the spirits of others† (Keller Pg. 68) She came to the realization that the deaf and blind have a more difficult time acquiring the amenities of conversation, which she accepts and understands. Malcolm X grew up in the hustler kind of environment, where he never had a good education and didn’t have to really communicate properly. Soon after Malcolm got arrested for burglary and was in jail, he became obsessed with the written word and books. He would send letters to people he had known in the hustling world, the mayor of Boston, the Governor of Massachusetts and harry S. Truman. Not one of them would write back, which made Malcolm more and more frustrated. He started off trying to read books to gain knowledge but it was useless because Malcolm didn’t understand most of the words in the books. So he decided the best thing was for him to read a dictionary, to study and learn more adequate words to add to his vocabulary. It started by copying and handwriting every word into his tablet, with every punctuation mark. After he wrote the words he would read them over and over, aloud and wake up thinking about those words. This continued until Malcolm copied the whole dictionary and knew almost every word he could. When he was done he picked up a book and could now understand what it was about. Malcolm said â€Å"I never had been so truly free in my life† (Malcolm Pg. 64). From signs and symbols having different meanings in life to finding enlightenment through a dictionary. All three of these authors have come a long way on their paths of discovering and understanding the power of language and communication. With curiosity, research, self-determination, persistence and keeping an open mind, the world of language can be explored to great measures into understanding its meaning and value.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Nutrition and Vegetables Essay Example for Free

Nutrition and Vegetables Essay Vegetables are a very important part of our diet. Vegetables are an excellent source for fiber, vitamins A and C, potassium, calcium, and iron. Researchers have discovered that having a good diet of fruits and vegetables can lower blood pressure, reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke and possibly some types of cancers. It can also lower your risk of eye problems and digestive problems. Vegetables are eaten in a variety of ways such as main meals or for snacks. The nutritional content in vegetables can vary considerably. Most vegetables do not contain protein or fat. The dried beans, peas, and lentils are a good source of complex carbohydrates and can have high protein content. Sometimes these types of vegetables can be used to some extent as a meat substitute. Potatoes and corn are very starchy vegetables. These types of vegetables turn into sugar. Vegetables have a variety of colors. They can range from dark green to a beautiful orange color. The dark green vegetables are usually the leafy vegetables, and squash, pumpkin, and sweet potatoes are examples of the orange family. Some vegetables have a red/blue coloring such as eggplant and red cabbage. Many articles today have different ideas on the amount or servings of vegetables a person should eat per day. The amounts can range from two (2) up to nine (9) servings per day. The majority of nutrition specialists suggest 2-1/2 cups per day. Potatoes do not count in your servings per day! The best bet for servings are the dark leafy greens, tomatoes, and anything that is yellow, orange, or red color. According to the National Cancer Institute, not enough fruits and vegetables are produced or imported to supply all of the people in the United States for a healthy diet of five servings per person per day. Another problem affecting vegetable growth is bugs and insects. Scientific studies have been conducted that support the claim that insects attack plants that do not receive the proper balance of nutrients. The number of documented outbreaks of human infections associated with raw vegetables and unpasteurized fruit juices has increased in recent years. Most of the outbreaks were identified primarily as Salmonella. Tomatoes, seed sprouts, cantaloupe, apple juice and orange juice are the most recent vegetables to be linked to the Salmonella bacteria. The E. coli infection has been found in lettuce, sprouts, and apple juice. It is very hard to determine the source of contamination for the bacteria for vegetables. Unlike beef and chicken that are thoroughly inspected, methods for fresh produce are not as advanced. The contamination could occur at any point throughout the production process. Some of the potential sources of contamination include soil, feces, irrigation water, dust, insects, and human handling. Recently the Center for Disease Control has had a nationwide recall on alfalfa sprouts with the Salmonella bacteria and for romaine lettuce containing the E. coli bacteria. In conclusion, people have been consuming meats and vegetables since the beginning of time. I am sure many people died back in the beginning of time from the diseases and bacteria we have discovered today. We must consume meats and vegetables to survive. Humans cannot live on water alone. If individuals today will use common knowledge on preparing meats and vegetables, a lot of issues such as the contamination and bacteria would not exist. All in all the meats and vegetables today are safe and nutritious. If consumed in the right amounts, we will have a healthy, long, enjoyable life.

Friday, September 20, 2019

What is teaching machines

What is teaching machines What is Teaching machines and Adaptive Learning Teaching machine is a device that presents series of problems and provides immediate â€Å"reward† or reinforcement to students when they give the correct answers to the posed questions (Holland, 1960). The first teaching machine was invented by Pressey in 1925. It was a device that asked a single question to the student. If the student knows the answer, he moved to the next question. If not, the question was presented again on the screen until he found the correct answer. This machine allowed students to proceed at their own rate (Skinner, 1958) and recorded their progress (Seattler, 1990). Although this machine was designed for teaching, it was developed against a background of psychological theory (Skinner, 1958). The main disadvantage of this machine was being against the psychological theory. Although he understood that students had different pace, he did not do anything to change it. His device was designed to avoid forgetting. They were testing device, they should be us ed after the some amount of learning had been taken out of somewhere. (Skinner, 1958). The popularity of teaching machines was increased with programmed instruction movement proposed by Skinner (Saettler, 1990). Based on his experiments conducting in laboratory with animals, Skinner propsed an idea that â€Å"by arranging appropriate contingencies of reinforcement, specific forms of behavior can be set up and brought under the control of specific classes of stimuli† (Skinner, 1958).however, the reinforcement have to be given immediately to the students. Because, the delay between the response and reinforcement of a few second reduce the effectiveness of the reinforcement. Moreover, it eliminates the undesirable forms of responses that would be successful in obtaining the right answer (Holland, 1960). It was difficult for teacher to provide reinforcement just after the correct responses were given. Thus some kind of machines was needed to help the teachers. This machine is an attempt to obtain the kind of behavioral control shown possible in the laboratory (Holla nd, 1960). Skinner describes the teaching machine incorporating the following principles of learning; Practice of the correct responses, knowledge of results and reinforcement of the right answer, minumum delay of reinforcement, successive small steps with hints (McKeachie, 1974) Teaching machines brought advantages to the educational environment. First of all, it provided an opportunity for students to study at their own pace (Skinner, 1958).According to Skinner (1960), it inspired the students and gave high degree of competence and confidence. the students were provided buttons in terms of â€Å"guessing†, â€Å"maybe†, â€Å"sure† so by pressing those buttons after giving the answers, they estimated their level of confidence. By this method, they learnt to evaluate their confidence and adopt a useful strategy. Thirdly, unlike the other media such as tv, students were active while they were using teaching machine during their learning process (Skinner, 1960). It was such kind of private tutor which alert students and kept them busy during the learning process (Skinner, 1958). Since it gave immediate feedback, students were able to see where they stood without waiting for an hour test or final examination. Finally, teaching machines prov ided opportunity for teachers to analyze the responses of the students. By this, they see what students understand item by item (Skinner, 1960) Teaching machines also brought some disadvantages to the educational environment. First of all, they were inconvenient and poorly designed (McKeachie, 1974). They were designed in frames that all students had to go through in linear sequence. (Seattler, 1990). The machine was designed in a way that the steps identified by the instructor were taken by students in a prescribed order (Skinner, 1958). And it was assumed that for human being, just being right is the sufficient reinforcement (Holland, 1960). The machine did not motivate the students to go on studying. Teaching machines locked so that neither the students see the correct answer until he responded correctly or altered his answer after he saw the correct answer (Calvin, 1969). For all of these reasons, most of the students found teaching machine boring and destructed their machine. In addition, it was seen that some of the students were unable to pass tests after successfully completing the program (Seattler, 1990). For teach er side, most of teaching machines were not readily portable and required maintenance (Calvin, 1969). Difficult to prepare programs, they are time consuming thus, teacher must be clear what they want to teach at the beginning of the program preparation (Skinner, 1960). Due to these problems, by the late 1960s, the popularity of teaching machines was decreased. Despite its problems, teaching machines had great contribution in educational environment. It revived the early ideas of individualizing instruction. Moreover, it fostered the growth of sounder technology in the development f instructional programs and influenced number of programs in 1960s, 1970s. Finally, it promoted computer assisted instruction and system approach to instruction ( Saettler, 1990). Adaptive learning is a usage of technology to help the students in their learning process (Francois, 2011). It provides content and services to meet individual or group learning needs with improved learning achievement and efficiency (Martine, 2003). Adaptability in learning has became very important issue in educational area. As stated by Nguen and Do, learning environment is complex structure that includes many students who has different characteristics. They physically and mentally are different, so their preferences are various. Thus, adaptation in educational environment is necessity (Nguyen Do, 2008). With the help of technology, the adaptive learning environment have become more efficiently and effectively. Especially, development in computer hardware and software allow creating those kinds of adaptive environments. These computerized learning environments allow immediate feedback and adaptation to students learning curves. These programs pace curses using sophisticated tracking of skill development, instant feedback, and help levels based on mastery of concepts by providing game like interface. (verilen makaleeee) The advantage of adaptive learning environment has taken the educators attention. Especially, e-learning professions have given their attention on adaptive learning and created adaptive e-learning environments. An adaptive e-learning environment is an interactive system that personalizes and adapts elearning content, pedagogical models, and interactions between participants in the environment to meet the individual needs and preferences of users if and when they arise(Stoyanov Kirschner, 2004 ). There are lots of factors to contribute the popularity of adaptive e-learning; the diversity in the access media and modalities that one can effectively utilize today in order to access, manipulate, or collaborate on, educational content or learning activities, alongside with a diversity in the context of use of such technologies, the anticipated proliferation of free educational content. (Paramythis, Loidl-Reisinger, tarihi bul) There are lack of research about adaptive learning. But according to †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ there are lots of opportunities those environment provides both students and teachers. They are cheap and can be given both online or blended form. The order of instruction is defined by the students not instructor. Everyone have different experience so their knowledge and needs are different Especially large classes prevent instructors from deviating much from the syllabus. Adjust course to the student Present every topic, a series of skills and building block concepts. Animation, videos, interactive diagrams and other web based features entered while needed. Interactive tutor help students to master of each skill, give short quizzes, score them, and offer additional help. Software adapt, keep students personal profiles. Students do not move until develop proficiency. Instructor decides the proficiency level. Instructor weight the material Instructors were informed about the students process. Increase motivation Game like enviroment informs what have left to do thus motivate to go on. Research shows students completed the course in shorter , performed better Cons: Few studies conducted to assess the outcomes Research problems: effectiveness of these programs are not done in isolation Researchers examine the effects of multifeatured environment, not isolate one element. Are teaching machines and adaptive learning similar or different things? Teaching machines and adaptive learning are different things although they have similarities. Firstly, both of them aim to help students in their learning process. Furthermore, they acknowledge the fact that students have different pace and it was difficult to adapt traditional classroom environment to the pace of all students. Both of these try to create an environment in which students study at their own pace and be active during the learning process. In addition, both of them keep the students progress and inform the teacher about it. Teacher analyzes their progress and help students to reach the desired goals. The first difference between teaching machine and adaptive learning is their technologies. Teaching machine was designed in 1920s and spread out in 1950 when technology was not advanced as it is now. Thus, teaching machines was not portable and it was difficult to modify it for teachers. Thus teachers had to participate in the design process and decided what he wanted to teach at the beginning. In contrast, systems in adaptive learning creates flexible environment for teachers. They can modify the system based on the needs that may not be predicted at the beginning of the course. The second and the main difference between teaching machine and adaptive learning was the learning theory underlying them. Teachingmachine usesbehavioristapproach whereas adaptive learning is more suitable for constructive approach. Teaching machine was designed for modifying the behaviors of the students. Although teaching machines was designed in 1920s, its usage in educational area was spread out by its modification by Skinner. Skinner designed the teaching machines based on the operant conditioning and its aim was to provide a small unit of information to the students and wanted their response. Since the instructional sequence is so simple, the students hardly make a mistake (Saettler, 1990). Students responded to the questions posed by teaching machines and getting reinforcement, they gained the desired behavior such as pronouncing a word or saying the results of a mathematical equation. There is a logical order in the teaching machine and all of the students have to follow the same path. Although the students are active, the teaching machine decides what question is posed in which order. On the other hand, adaptive learning met the assumptions of constructivism. According to Ertmer and Newby (1993), constructivist learning environment emphasis on learner control and provides opportunities for learner to manipulate information. In addition, the information is presented in a variety of different ways in terms of its order, modes, perspectives etc. Adaptive learning does not aim to change the behavior of the students by giving reinforcement or force them to follow the start at the same where and follow the same path. Instead, an adaptive learning provides a personalized learning environment for each learner, by both adapting presentation and navigation through the course materials (Retalis Papasalouros, 2005). It acknowledges the differences between the students and create learning environment based on these differences. It can dynamically reorganize learning resources in order to achieve specific learning objectives by analyzing learners profile or learning portfolio (Brusilovsky, 2001). It offers opportunity to uniquely address the specific learning goals, prior knowledge and context of a learner so it improves learners satisfaction with the course and motivate them to complete that course (Dagger, Wade, Conlan, 2005). For all of these, adaptive learning systems are beyond the teaching machines. Strengths and weaknesses of technology supported adaptive learning Adaptive learning environment provides opportunities for teacher to apply range of methods. Teacher can either use problem based instruction, case reasoning etc. Moreover, it acknowledges the differences between the students. All students have different experience, background so their needs are different. Adaptive learning aims to recognize these differences and offers personalized learning that is determined based on these differences. Students take the control of their learning process, access the resources appropriate to their needs and study them at their pace. Although the ideas behind the adaptive learning systems are dream of all educators, the implementation of these ideas is difficult. While the idea â€Å"adaptation based on individual differences† is good, it may cause problems if these differences are not identified correctly. Nguyen and Do (2008) states that the system must gather information and data about user and create a user model based on this information. But which information should be gathered? Adaptive systems have to decide this. Moreover, it should decide what to adapt. It has to identify the differences such as background, pre-knowledge about the content, learning style and offers a learning environment to suit these differences. The maintenance of these systems is additional weaknesses of adaptive system. Technological knowledge of the teachers may not adequate to maintain such kind of systems. For this reason, an expert should control the system and intervene if there is any problem. Finally, there is lack of research about the implementation of this system. What it offers and how it accomplishes this should be analyzed and the learning results should be investigated deeply. Moreover, it should be investigated what should be adapted, when and how it should be adapted and what should be kept constant in adaptive learning systems. Suggestions to instructional designers Adaptive learning is just includes system that create an effective and efficient learning environment. So without a good design, it will not help either instructors or students in the learning environment. First of all, the instructional designer should decide which learning theory he will apply in adaptive learning. Based on the learning theory, he needs to identify the overall goals of the course, which method he will use. Moreover, he needs to consider the possible needs of students from different backgrounds experiences and knowledge. To achieve this, he should get knowledge about his students. Since adaptive learning keeps the students progress, the instructor should monitor each students progress and see where they are, what problems they face etc. If adaptive learning is used by different instructor, instructional designer should inform the teacher about the benefits and weaknesses of it. Moreover, it provides guidance and help when needed and support the adaptation process of instructors to use adaptive learning. In addition, these systems are complex and should be designed carefully. There should be multiple modes of presentations; the resources should be prepared for different background information etc. Motivation components eklemeli 1. Learner-led adaptation. Learners should be able to find both what they want to learn and how they want to learn it. 3. Learner self-management. They can see where they are in the curriculum or competence map and what learning task or activity to carry out next, consult course-tracking data, and monitor their learning. They have an opportunity to prebrowse and search for learning content. 5. Learner auditing.learners should have possibilities to test the level of their knowledge and learning styles, and to be able to see their learning results. Discussion 14. Learning communication. This second communication cluster emphasizes interaction between learners and instructors. An LMS should support instructor-learner, instructor instructor, and learner-learner communication. 15. Collaboration. Instructors should be able to use different modes of group discussion and be able to collaborate with learners synchronously on group learning tasks. Experts also emphasize the possibilities of peer learning. 17. Socialization. Experts underline the need for an LMS to provide a social context for learning and professional socialization of learners.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Nicholas Is Foreign Policy Essay -- essays research papers

Maintaining Order The Reign of Nicholas I has been marked with war. He grew up in a time when war was the accepted norm of Russia. As a child he saw his brother fight against the evil, which was Napoleon. With war being part of Nicholas everyday life he quickly became infatuated with it. â€Å"He always remained an army man, a junior officer at heart, devoted to his troops, to military exercises, to the parade ground, down to the last button on a soldiers uniform (Riasanovsky, 323)† Nicholas time growing up in Russia had an immense influence on him. He observed strategy’s like those of Prince Michael Kutuzov, and learned only with proper order can one fully achieve military dominance. Three major conflicts accurately describe how Nicholas I used his military. The Polish uprising illustrate his demand for proper order throughout Europe. The Crimean War displayed his love for the Christian faith, and what he would do to protect Orthodoxy. Lastly, the conflict between Greece and Turkey described how Nicholas I would act when a culmination of his ideas, conflicted with one another. Investigating how Nicholas I inherited the throne will give one an explanation on why he was so frightened by liberal thought. Nicholas I was basically forced to inherit the throne because, Constantine declared it was not in the best interest of Russia for him to succeed to the throne. On the day Nicholas I was to be inaugurated a peasant uprising manifested. This rebellion named the Decemberist’s put much more than a damper on Nicholas I afternoon. The revolt caused Nicholas I to never fully trust peasants throughout his reign. â€Å" No doubt it also contributed to the emperor’s mistrust of the gentry, and indeed of independence and initiative on the part of any subjects (Rias, 324).† From that day froward the Emperor would put down a law by the name of â€Å"Official Nationality (Rias, 324).† To fully comprehend how and why Nicholas I chose to run his foreign policy the way he did, one must delve into how his Empire was run at home. Nicholas I was influenced heavily by Christianity. Christianity drove him to believe that Official Nationality was the path towards Russian salvation, and only under this system could Russia maintain order. Official Nationality was a conservative system, which consisted of three principals; Orthodoxy, autocracy, and nationality. â€Å"Orthodoxy referred to the officia... ... a conflict that had both religious and revolutionary significance. This conflict between the Orthodox Greeks and the Turks eventually led to the aforementioned Crimean War. Nicholas I had a difficult decision on his hand because he would either have to side with the Orthodox Greeks or the Turks, which were the status quo at the time. One could see what Nicholas I valued more, religion or order. Nicholas I decided to side with the Greeks, making the Ottomans sign the Treaty of Adrianople in 1829 (Rias.,330). Nicholas I rule reflected in a striking manner both his character and his principles. The new regime became preeminently one of militarism and bureaucracy. The entire machinery of government came to be permeated by the military spirit of direct orders, Absolute obedience, and precision. Nicholas I ideals are what kept him from fulfilling the expectation people had of him. His main goals were to conserve autocracy and religious certainty, which Alexander had manifested years before. Nicholas I policy abroad hurt his Empire tremendously. His ignorance towards the possibility of maintaining order without Orthodoxy led his country into complete dissaray, and eventually his death.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

International Business: The Importance of Ethics in Business Essay

International Business The business world has always relied heavily on contractual agreements while conducting business. These contracts while written in ink, are set in stone. Once your business partner signs his/her name on the dotted line the pact has been sealed and nothing else needs to be said. But what happens when you take away the physical contractual element and everything is agreed upon through one's word? The world of business ethics is an old discipline in most parts of the world, and in most cases, is applied to the everyday business world. But in the case of China, the country of exaggerated numbers and inflated profit margins, business ethics has yet to be fully assimilated into the Chinese business culture. Business ethics is a multi-faceted approach to honesty, integrity, and straight-forwardness in the corporate world. This paper however, is concerned with two main business ethics' topics brought up by Dr. Rothlin in his book, Becoming a Top Notch Player: 18 Rules of International Business Ethics. We will be discussing rules 14 &15 in the following. Rule 14 deals with securing your public reputation by having a commitment to quality and excellence. Rule 15 deals mainly with corruption and it's negative impacts on day-to-day business dealings. Although rules 14 &15 are both in the realm of business ethics, they are very different by nature and therefore we decided to give them each their own separate section. The first section we will go over is rule 14, following that is rule 15. Rule 14 states, "Your public relations strategy will only secure your reputation if it witnesses your drive for quality and excellence". At first glance, this seems like a rather straightforward, obvious principle ... ...middle of the two extremes that would be optimal. The GMC case study is a convincing argument that reliable services build prestige. In cutting the offending companies from their list of contacts, GMC earned a reputation of honesty and loyalty. Such a reputation rewards a business with future financial profits and commercial morality. With Enron in the rear-view mirror, companies need to learn that merely looking like an ethical company is not enough. There must be physical proof of commercial morality. This can only be gained slowly, through many business decisions and years of dealings. As China continues it's rise towards modernization and commercialization, it's companies rely on pure business ethics to build a solid foundation for the future. If these ethical procedures are not practiced, the rapidly growing giant that is China could stall in the mud.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Key Causes of Water Scarcity and Researched Solutions Essay

1.0Introduction This report is about the increase in demand for water, and its’ purpose is a twofold, firstly to examine and explore some of the causes of the ever increasing issue of the scarcity of water due to industrial, agricultural and consumer demand in society, and secondly to analyse the solutions of this concern for the Premier of Western Australia, Mr Colin Barnett. This is because water is a valuable resource that is vital for the human race and developing countries such as Australia will be facing an increase in domestic consumption of water by 70 percent in the future (Cashman and Ashley 2008). There were certain limitations surrounding this report, for example the word limit for this report was 1000 words and I was permitted to use a minimum of five scholarly sources and a maximum of seven. The methodology of my research began by using the database: proquest on the Internet, where I found these reliable sources. 2.0Causes of Demand for Water 2.1Industrial Demand Industrial Water Consumption Industries are one of the major key causes of the increased demand for water. Many industries require water to operate and perform the functions that are required to produce the goods or services in question. This is because industries such as oil and mining, are hugely dependable on extreme capacities of water thus, making them susceptible to water shortages (Holbrook 2009). Industries therefore depend on these large amounts of water for production and simultaneously are one of the essential instigators in the ever-increasing problem of water scarcity. In places such as New South Wales, Adelaide and Melbourne where mining operations are carried out, water scarcity is even more extreme. This is because of the material that is being extracted; they are mined in those areas and those areas alone, and therefore the large volume of water that is needed to extract them is adding to the concern of water scarcity. An estimate of water between 100 and 8000 litres are required to obtain one tonne of ore, and to worsen the situation, mining operations cannot be shifted causing water availability to be problematic in those areas (Holbrook 2009). This issue allows an increased strain on the local communities in which mining operations are performed thus causing a concern for the people living in those areas. 2.2Agricultural Demand Population Growth The demand for agriculture is one of the most excessive causes of water scarcity. This is because agriculture needs fresh water in the process of its production. Agriculture consumes the majority of global fresh water, making it one of the most enormous water sources of the increased water demand; the production of food is also rising due to population growth, of about 80 million people per year (Holbrook 2009). According to Irvine and Saulwick (2009), â€Å"Australia is poised to be the world’s fastest growing industrialized nation over the next four decades, with a rate of population growth higher even than India†. Thus with population increasing by a vast number every year, the demand for fresh water will additionally increase, therefore adding to the water scarcity in Australia. 2.3Consumer Demand Economic Growth The development of the economy is another cause of the increased demand for water in the world today. As the population grows, so does the demand for goods and services and therefore results in economic growth which is one of the major causes of water consumption. According to Barbier (2004), the extensive water dilemma is the result of economic development and the rise in population. The production of the increased demand for goods and services require water, and as the need for these goods increase, so will water demand. 3.0Solutions to Water Scarcity 3.1Watershed Improvement in water management is one way to reduce water demand. Water sectors that cross political boundaries amidst a certain watershed come together to meet their needs whilst protecting the ecosystem (Klausner, Mitten and Ingram 2007). 3.2Conservation Techniques In order to protect the earth, freshwater demand has to be decreased and by doing so the majority of freshwater users need to be active in the process of decreasing the chances of water shortages. Therefore by educating users about adequate water preservation techniques, water demand can be decreased. According to Klausner, Mitten and Ingram (2007), by educating farmers about the finest irrigation methods, they can have the opportunity to use water efficiently. Farmers use a vast majority of freshwater and the Australian farmers can be educated about the methods and capital required to conserve water. 3.3Reclaimed Water Reclaimed water is wastewater that has been treated to remove impurities. The substitution of this water can improve the issue of water scarcity. According to Klausner, Mitten and Ingram (2007), countries such as Japan use almost 80% of reclaimed water in their industrial sector. The limited amount of freshwater supplies makes this conservation method more accepted. It is an excellent idea, especially for the south of Australia where there is Mawson Lake and can recycle water. 4.0Conclusion The aim of this report was to outline the causes for the increased demand for water and to provide researched solutions. I provided information on the increased demand for water due to population growth, economic growth and the industrial consumption of water. The damages of water shortage are very dangerous and the consequences are deadly because of ecological and human health issues. Although demand can be reduced by the use of reclaimed water, conservation techniques and watershed methods. In Australia, the methods can be implemented to decreasing water demand for the future. 5.0Recommendations In order to improve water use in Australia, the factors that need to be considered are; water reuse by using reclaimed water to flush toilets, wash clothes and water gardens, educating farmers on water use, by informing them on irrigation techniques and watershed methods. In doing so, water demand in Australia will be reduced in the future if these methods are explored and practiced.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Poetry Ducle Et Decorum Est Essay

Wilfred Owen was a poet born in 1893, and the poem Dulce et Decorum Est was probably his most famous one. Owen wrote this poem in hospital after suffering from both physical and mental injuries of the First World War. Having experienced war himself, he had a realistic view of the war and tried to convey this to others before he died at twenty-five years old. Dulce et Decorum Est focuses on a gas attack, and portrays that war is not honourable and sweet, as the title suggests in Latin. The poem begins by describing the physical state of the soldiers. The poet uses similes to convey the ill-health of the men. The soldiers are described as being â€Å"Bent double, like old beggars† which characterizes soldiers as being prematurely old, and extremely weak for their young age. Metaphors are also used to draw attention to their weak state of mind, â€Å"Men marched asleep† is used to imply the exhaustion of the fighters, not only the soldiers are here physically but suggests also as they are mentally and â€Å"Drunk with fatigue†. The poet uses the personification of bombs when he writes â€Å"disappointed shells† which suggests the soldiers from the enemy side had thrown bombs and grenades unsuccessfully. This implies that in war, soldiers had a lot of chances to be bombed easily. From the second stanza, we experience war through the naked eyes of a soldier during a sudden gas attack. The tone of the poem changes from a pessimistic calm with the slow walk of soldiers through the â€Å"sludge† to a tone of panic due to the gas attack. â€Å"GAS! Gas! Quick, boys! † these exclamatory sentences create urgency, which shows how the soldiers had to live in fear every day. From the gas attack, the poet uses again a personification by using â€Å"clumsy helmets† to explain that the gas masks provided were inefficient, and that soldiers almost had no chance of surviving. During that time, the simile â€Å"floundering like a man in fire or lime† is used to show a panicking soldier because gas has got infected his body. This creates a sense of pity because the soldier sees his comrade die in front of him, through the â€Å"misty panes† which are the masks. From this, readers understand that war doesn’t only have physical effects, but also terrible mental effects. The emotional impact of war is well shown in Owen’s poem when in the third stanza, he describes how in all his â€Å"dreams†, he sees his â€Å"friend† who died â€Å"guttering, chocking, drowning†. These three verbs are used as the rule of three, they all are connotations of suffering and death. The fact that he couldn’t help this â€Å"helpless† soldier because gas had already got into his body haunts him every night since. When Owen describes the death of his mates in war, he remembers how badly treated they looked and he uses negative connotations to show that seeing these images hurt him mentally. Owen writes about his friend having a â€Å"hanging face† which suggests that he was exhausted, and uses the simile â€Å"like a devil’s sick of him† that implies Owen comparing his comrade’s face to a devil’s appearance. Seeing his partner suffering, the poet uses the verb â€Å"gargling† to define his †forth-corrupted lungs†. These words submit a sense of sound in the poem which is another way the poet has created pity and also put forward the fact that soldiers die in horrific conditions. On the next line, two similes are used to explain how Owen felt by the scene at this time. Obscene as cancer† and â€Å"bitter as the cud† both suggest death and the darkness of war. â€Å"Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues† shows it is unfair that young soldiers have to live in this misery, instead of having a normal and pleasant life. Readers obviously imagine after this stanza, the memories the survivors still have in their mind is most of the time worth dying, and this affects readers to feel some pity for these young men. In the very last stanza, Wilfred Owen involves the reader by using the second person. If you could hear† reminds the sound sense again but also asks readers between the lines : if you were in this situation, how would you react. Talking directly to the readers gives a bigger chance to Owen to emphazize pity in his poem. He continues with â€Å"My friend, you would not tell with such a high zest to children† to create guilt in the readers minds, because soldiers were highly encouraged or even forced to go to war by propaganda and the country’s government. All the people who pushed young men to go to war by saying how great and adventurous it is feel guilty in this last stanza. The word â€Å"Children† also emphazises pity, and points out that Owen has himself been a kid pushed to war and now as a survivor knows the lies behind it. In my opinion, I think that this poem was directed to all the people who formed propaganda for war, but it was also written to tell young men who were going to war in the future aware of the reality. In the end, after pointing out that society shouldn’t lie about war, and after earing that these children desire glory, he states â€Å"The old Lie: Dulce and decorum est pro patria mori†, which is the title of the poem. Here, Wilfred Owen made a rime, and he also has used irony in this one sentence. This whole poem is about expressing how bad war is and when he writes this which means ‘it is honourable and sweet to die for your country’ in Latin perfectly summarises the poem using irony. From this poem, I can obviously see that, after years, Owen still suffers from the physical and mental injuries that war caused him. Lots of strong words have been used by the poet to express what it was like and how he felt, which creates pity in the readers mind. I find Wilfred Owen very brave and courageous for writing this poem that explains how millions of young soldiers have felt, being in war.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Financial crisis Essay

According to this article soros expresses that the current financial crisis is the result of the effect of all the other minor financial crisis’s that the US economy has experienced in the past sixty years, which came as a result of the weakening of the dollar in the financial market over the other strong currencies. It was anticipated to be happening because financial market operated in such a way that investors over borrowed loans from banks to invest in the housing sector hoping that the market would regulate itself according to the forces of demand and supply and be able to get good returns. The economy instead suffered a shortage of cash as a result of the over borrowing and the interventions by the Federal Reserve did not work as had worked well before. The borrowers of the loans are now not able to pay them back the loans leaving the banks strained with the effects of bad loans that the other financial assets are greatly affected. Banks and other financial institutions have closed down their operations and some gone bankrupt as the cost of borrowing becomes unbearable. What matters most as of this moment as suggested by Soros is to be able to deal with the political situation in a way that the economy will not be compromised. There is need to establish policies that will be able to redeem the lenders in the economy from total collapse. The banks should be helped out of the liquidity problems by the government being recommended to use the Swedish model of dealing with a financial crisis. The model recommends that the banks as the basis point of recovering the economy from collapse. In most of his articles and one of his best selling book the â€Å"paradigm for financial markets† soros has criticized the systems of British and US authorities in the bureaucratic procedures that they which take too long to react to situations of urgency like this crisis that results to many effects on the economies. Word count 335 References George soros: worst financial crisis in 60 years marks end of an era. 15th December 2008 1st financial times article.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Expatriate Failure And Cross Cultural Communication Essay

It is essential for businesses that are sending expatriate overseas to take precautions to ensure the success of the expatriate in effectively reaching his/her assigned goals. Expatriate failure rate is very high amongst U.S. managers (50%, APG Class Session #13) for many reasons. The failure of an expatriate can be very costly and time consuming for the companies who employ them. The question that needs to be answered is why expatriates fail so frequently and what can MNC’s do to lower this failure rate and produce effective expatriate managers. Yet, another reason that companies fail when doing business overseas is the lack of emphasis placed on communication. In all areas of the world communication is done in many different ways. In order to effectively do business in Israel we must learn and understand the diverse ways that their culture must learn and understand the diverse ways that we communicate on a business as well as a social level. If RL Furniture Company can effectively choose or train an adaptive and knowledgeable employee who understands culture and its effects on business and can accompany that along with excellent communication skills, MNC’s can directly lower the failure rate amongst expatriates. Expatriates Expatriate Failure There are several reasons why our expatriate may fail in Israel. Expatriate failure can be very costly and can turn a possibly successful business venture into a disaster. The first reason for expatriate failure stems from adaptation problems with the physical and social environments. (Rodrigues pg. 264) This holds especially true when these environments are especially at odds with those of the expatriate’s home country. We have an advantage in sending our expat, Israelis cultural dimension similarities outweigh their differences, this will make it easier for us to understand their negotiating style before arriving. Some expatriates feel separation anxiety and isolation (culture shock) when they are working in countries with a very different social and values system than their own. (APG Class Session #13) These situations lower the expatriate morale and affect his/her ability to do their job effectively. Differences in technical sophistication also present problems with expats. (Rodrigues pg. 265) The problems lie with conflicts in expectations and when the expat views these problems as insurmountable. Conflicts in this situation also occur in when the expatriate manager tries to apply home country managerial  and organizational techniques to a culture not used to these concepts. This leads to poor implementation of strategies and goals. Expatriate managers also find that carrying out objectives and implementing home country strategies to be very difficult decisions about policies and management style. Expatriates often deal with the conflict of operating within the constraints of the local government and satisfying the home country objectives. Country conflicting policies and objectives present very serious problems with the decision making of expatriate managers. (Rodrigues pg. 265) Expatriate managers are responsible for carrying out orders and guidelines established by home corporate headquarters. The problems arise when the expatriate manager has local constraints placed on him and he/she must find ways to carry out the home country orders while operating under constrained conditions. The home country often does not realize or understand situations the expatriate manager must deal with and this can lead to very tough decisions for the expatriate. Overcentralization is also a problem that may lead to expatriate failure. (Rodrigues pg. 265) If the expatriate manager’s authority is visibly constrained by Israel or by local governments than his/her authority is jeopardized and he or she loses control and credibility in the eyes of the locals. Gender issues are not problems in many industrialized nations, such as the U.S., but in many nations, there are cultural biases against women, which prevent them from gaining the respect they need to effectively manage. (Rodrigues pg. 265) If a company mistakenly places a woman in charge of operations in a female biased country it can be viewed as disrespectful and show no care for the success OT the subsidiary. In many nations females have no power to make decision and women expats will find it difficult to lent credibility to the decision she makes. This is not the case in Israel they are a feminine culture similar to the U.S. Yet, another reason for expat failure is the lack of companies to consider family needs when moving family overseas to a new and unfamiliar country and culture. (Rodrigues pg. 269) It is more important for ss to prepare the expats family for their journey than it is to prepare the expatriate manager. A family can easily become unhappy and this can lead to poor job performance of the expatriate manager and high levels of stress. These high levels of stress make it difficult for managers to effectively do their job and live an enjoyable life in Israel. Communication Communications when doing business in Israel is an essential key to success. How business dealings are conveyed is very important. If translation is off or inaccurate than the success of the business venture can be seriously jeopardized. This applies not only to verbal communication, but with body language as well. (Rodrigues pg. 314) Body language in some countries is very important and the wrong body language can easily anger foreign business and steer them away from a possible business venture. In countries with language barrier companies must take measure to ensure that proper translation is used. If translation is off than it could mean that the wrong message is being conveyed. Although English is fluent in Israel, we should print our business cards in Hebrew on one side as a sign of respect for Israeli language and way of life. In countries where the same language is spoken body language becomes important. The wrong gesture could spell disaster for an expatriate manager. In order to avoid this problem companies should train and prepare a manager by training them on culture and communications and the possible and negative impact that it can have on the success of a business venture. In Israel business moves at a slower pace than in the United States. We need to build a strong relationship with our business partner before any deal can be made. Summary We can see that the success in a foreign business venture can depend heavily on expatriate preparation and communication skills. RL furniture Co. will be sending one expatriate to Israel to manage an overseas operation. We have discovered that there could be many problems that could lead to our expatriate failing and in turn out company’s business venture failing too. To avoid these problems we plan to set up evaluations to determine who would  be the best expatriate manager we will send to Israel. Once we have found the right person for the job, we will set up an intensive training program that will prepare him/her to do their job as effectively as possible. In this training, we will ensure the expat understands Israeli culture and how to effectively adjust to it. In understanding the culture and by developing essential communication skills we are sure that our expatriate manager will be able to carry out company goals while effectively managing operations. Key aspects in cultural dimensions of Power Distance and Uncertainty Avoidance, established by Geert Hofstede. (Hofstede pg. 14-17) In sending an expatriate that possesses this knowledge and know how we are sure that the venture will be a success.

6 Ways to Improve Productivity at the Workplace

6 Ways to Improve Productivity at the Workplace Employees spending long hours in the office are not an uncommon sight these days. But how much of the work day is spent productively is another matter altogether. As the saying goes â€Å"it’s not the number of hours you put into work, it is the amount of work you put in those hours†. So what can you do as an employer to increase productivity at the workplace? Here are some tips you can follow. Instill accountability in your employees. By making your workers accountable for their actions and decisions (regardless of their position), it encourages them to be more cautious and meticulous when it comes to their work, hence minimising the risk of errors. In addition, instilling accountability in your employees also gives them a sense of ownership, so that they too feel they have a stake in the company and how it performs. Manage but don’t micro-manage. The fine line between managing and micro-managing can be hard to distinguish. With micro-managing, the danger lies in your employees becoming overly dependent on you and unable to make their own decisions. To prevent such a scenario, start trusting your employees to operate in whatever style they are comfortable with to get the job done — after all, they passed the screening process during the hiring process so they must possess the necessary skills. Having faith in your workers† abilities encourages and empowers them with the confidence to give their all. On the other hand, don’t be quick to pinpoint the blame whenever trouble arises. Speak to him or her first to find out what can be done to prevent the same mistake from happening again. Motivate and reward for good results. While it may sound like common sense, many employers fail to give workers recognition for a job well done — which can result in employee morale dropping. Rewarding your hardworking employees with monetary bonuses clearly shows how much you value their work and will motivate them to continue doing their best for the company. But what if budget constraints prevent you from giving them a raise? Don’t simply remain silent and expect them to know that you recognise their efforts! In fact, it is times like these when keeping staff morale up is most important. Give your staff words of encouragement and assure them that once the situation improves, they will be rewarded accordingly. Or perhaps, offer other forms of rewards such as an increase in leave days or time off. Remember, recognition can come in many forms, not just monetary. Provide the proper equipment. When menial tasks can be automated using the office equipment, it often makes sense to do so. This helps free up manpower to work on more meaningful tasks. But it’s also important to choose equipment that is functional and easy to use. That’s why when purchasing office equipment, get the competitive edge with brands that have a history of reliability such as Canon. Offering a full spectrum of high quality imaging products from input to output, Canon business solutions are renowned for high efficiency while being low in maintenance. They also come backed with strong after-sales support to ensure your business continues to run smoothly. Provide upgrading opportunities. Just like purchasing the proper equipment helps make your employees more productive, so will upgrading their skills. By sending them for training courses, you equip them with the latest skills and introduce them to new (and potentially more efficient) ways of doing their job. However, not all skills upgrading requires spending thousands of dollars and dozens of hours in classes. Having your experienced staff share their useful knowledge with other workers can also be a form of upgrading. Break the routine. Aligning job tasks with an employee’s abilities makes perfect sense but having him or her perform the same duties 40 hours a week may become tedious and even counter-productive in the long run. To break the monotony, rotate job responsibilities from time to time and introduce new roles where possible. This allows your staff to expand their skill-set and also gives them a better understanding of how the business works. Low productivity in the workplace can jeopardise the sustainability of any business, especially SMEs, if left unresolved for some time. So be sure to monitor the efficiency of your workers; not by hovering over them like a hawk, but by communicating with them to learn about any grievances they wish to share. Tackling such issues sooner rather than later will go a long way in ensuring your business reaches its true potential.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Bio-ethics paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Bio-ethics paper - Essay Example Reproducible-Lastly, the test should be able to be reproduced by other researchers. Using this elements to determine the issue of sixteen year old who eats French fries three times a week which makes him or her gain more weight than the one who eats the French fries twice a week, it is clear that the one who consumes the French fries three times a week has higher chances of increasing body weight because she or he will have much fats and proteins in the body than the one who eats them twice a week. This is because it has been shown that a lot of fats and proteins in the body lead to increase in body weight. Gestational surrogacy is the act through which there is an independent adoption or arrangement that involves a woman accepting to carry and deliver a baby for another woman. Gestational surrogacy is not baby selling because the woman who accepts to carry the baby for another woman provides the uterus where the ova and sperm are planted in order to fertilize. Therefore, when she gives birth, it is not her baby since the ovum that was fertilized belonged to another woman. In this case, she only plays the role of a carrier. Gestational surrogate motherhood is not bad since it gives a chance to couples who had difficulty in having babies get babies. Arguing from intuitionism perspective, it is important to ask to what extent people should be concerned about commodification or exploitation when they are requested to be paid so as to carry babies for other women especially in areas where there are large power and wealth differentials between intended surrogates and parents. In addition, it is important to look at the societal rights if they grant women authority to enter into contracts about the use of their bodies. A Person has the right to make decisions about how to use his or her body thus contracting for surrogacy is not bad if the person

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Hong Kong Disneyland Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Hong Kong Disneyland - Research Proposal Example The plan consists of establishing six concepts generalizing the whole theme park. These concepts include Main Street USA concept (which is the dramatic entry to the park), Fantasyland concept (which will highlight the Disney animated characters and stories), Toontown concept (that provides venue for the visitors to actually meet the Disney characters in a whimsical roller coaster), the Adventureland concept (which will highlight several of the movies produced by Disney such as the Lion King), the Frontierland concept (where the visitors will feel the breeze of the Old Western living), and the Tomorrowland concept (showcasing the world of sci-fi fantasies and adventure). The plan also includes three to four Disney - themed resort hotels offering up to 2,100 hotel rooms to be constructed adjacent to the Park. A variety of shopping and dining experiences within proposed 28,000-square-meter retail, dining, and entertainment complex is also part of the initial plan for overall Hong Kong D isneyland experience   The tourists from who visited Hong Kong Disneyland have varied feedbacks about the said tourist attraction. Some are satisfied with the theme park while there are some who thinks that this is just pure media hype. Some of the interviewed visitors revealed that: The site is very good. Having Disneyland here in Hong Kong, which is very near to my country, is a very good idea. Disneyland is very famous. Having this in Hong Kong means that we don't need to go to the US or to another country just to know what is inside Disneyland." - Akona Leh, from Shen Zhen China.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

International Business (CH2, CH3, and Movie 'GUNG HO) Review

International Business (CH2, CH3, and 'GUNG HO) - Movie Review Example The second implication is that informal institutional frameworks provide some structure to an organization where formal institutions are not visible or where the formal institutions have failed. Managers should constantly be aware of both formal and informal institutional frameworks that influence their employees. This will allow the managers to manage to the framework and adjust with fluid plans if the frameworks break down. It will also allow the managers to better predict the behaviors and actions of their teams. Section 2: (40 Points) For this assignment you will be required to locate and watch the movie Gung Ho and then apply the concepts that were discussed in Chapter 3 of the textbook by answering the questions outlined below. The movie is about a small town that has always relied on manufacturing for its livelihood. The two factories have closed down, the service businesses are moving out of the town, and the majority of adults are unemployed. Hunt Stevenson solicits a Japanese company to reopen the factory. The movie tells the story of the challenges the Japanese executives, employees, and townspeople encountered during and after the reopening. This is relevant to the concepts of global business today because advancements in technology, travel, and collaboration blur the lines that separate countries. Global interactions are a frequent, everyday occurrence for many businesses. Understanding the different cultures with which one will be working is critical to maintain relationships and smooth production. b. Outline the cultural differences that exist between the Japanese management team and their US Workers? Specifically address each of the following differences by describing examples from the movie. (16 Points) Collectivism focuses all members of the team on a single purpose as a single unit. This was apparent from the first day of the factory

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

College needs to offer services learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

College needs to offer services learning - Essay Example The educational value to the student is virtually nil (except that they learn that coerced voluntarism is a really bad idea).†1 Many people think service learning would be a great experience for college students in order so that they would gain college credit. However, communities do not necessarily have the money to fund service learning projects, unless they are sponsored by companies that can afford to sustain such programs and projects. It is unlikely that many organizations would be willing to freely donate of their time and resources in order to institute service learning programs for their communities, unless they could see direct benefits coming to their respective organizations. Most organizations would not be willing to donate time and money in order to see service learning projects come to light. However, advocates of service learning would argue otherwise. â€Å"Service learning provides a compelling reason to learn, teaches the skills of civic participation and develops an ethic of service and civic responsibility. Service learning increases motivation and retention of academic skills as specific learning goals are tied to community needs.†2 Also, advocates of service learning would argue that beyond empirical numbers, service learning has a beneficial effect on those who serve as well as members of a community. â€Å"Service-learning can bring learning to life for students. It can re-ignite disaffected students†¦who need skills in working together. It can bring members of the community into contact with young people, reminding both groups of the values of tolerance and understanding. Its benefits are numerous...†3 However, such a program of required service learning in college would be difficult to initiate and monitor. â€Å"Within the service-learning cycle, project monitoring is an efficient, systematic method

Monday, September 9, 2019

Crime, Media, Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Crime, Media, Culture - Essay Example This can also be used to control the behaviors of the public. Information about crime is gathered from media outlets such as television, newspapers, radio, and internet (Muncie, Talbot & Walters, 2010, p. 44). This information is supplemented with the experiences of the viewer in the definition of real representation. The media has been accused of representing crime and criminal activities as the norm. Through these representations, criminals are depicted as heroes while law enforcement officers are depicted as villains.Daily news media focuses on incidents rather than conditions. This means that media does not consider ideas. By focusing on incidents, media highlights conflicts rather than solutions (Mason, 2003, p. 69). For instance, the idea that imprisonment should be used to provide opportunities for rehabilitation initially enjoyed popularity from the public. However, correction and justice professionals with support from the media overturned the perception that imprisonment wa s meant to rehabilitate people to the perception that imprisonment was a punitive way of rehabilitating criminals. A rise in crime solidified public opposition to imprisonment as a correctional strategy. The tendency of media to focus on crime has led to the neglect of human needs of people living in impoverished neighborhoods. These people have deprived security because the media created impressions that security and law enforcement agents use criminal means during the implementation of the law.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Effects of Quality Management on Domestic and Global Competition Paper Research

Effects of Quality Management on Domestic and Global Competition - Research Paper Example As it is stated in their website, the passengers of Southwest Airlines must possess federal government-issued picture identification; an exception is given to people under the age 18 ( The South west Airlines has designed special provision for the customers who are age 65 and older. Similarly, they have arranged high tech facilities for the issue of boarding passes. The customers can receive boarding passes from the Skycap Counter (situated in selected locations) and check luggage four hours prior to the scheduled departure (Lufthansa). The Airport Arrival chart helps passengers to check the time of flights. The boarding passes are categorized into several groups as A, B, and C on the basis of the fare they purchased. Likewise, extreme facilities are offered to kids and disable persons. In the case of Lufthansa, they have been using ultra modern technologies in order to provide maximum conveniences to customers. Their checking-in system is based on the application of c heck-in machine. In order to take advantage of the system, passengers are required to possess an electronic ticket. This system is effectively employed in various other procedures also such as baggage checking and passport registration.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Martha Stewart's Case Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Martha Stewart's Case Analysis - Essay Example The company’s stated market is ‘as big as everyone who has a house.’ The company is shown to have four segments which are divided into three platforms in order to leverage investments. There is the Omnimedia platform which is divided into publishing (focusing on the Martha Stewart Living (MSL) magazine, Martha Stewart Weddings as well as a selection of special interest magazines and books and a New York Times column) and television (focusing on the Martha Stewart Living television series, From Martha’s Kitchen, prime time specials and Christmas events). There is also the OmniMerchandising platform (focusing on Martha Stewart branded lines ranging from the Martha Stewart Everyday line to the Martha Stewart Home line, distributed principally through Kmart and Sears respectively) and the Internet/Direct Commerce platform (focusing on Martha by Mail catalog and the website). Stewart herself is the driving force behind the company, maintaining control over the company following privatization with 60% control of shares and 96% control of votes. She maintains close relationships with her female dominated board of directors while her family also play an important role in the business. The root problem of the report is that it is difficult to assess the value and long term future of a company which is based around a personality. This is because the company could be seriously adversely affected by a change in public opinion with regards to Martha Stewart herself. This problem exists because the company has become a personality led brand. It is therefore extremely difficult to predict how public opinion will react to the personality in the future if their perceived strengths are threatened. Examples in the case study include criticisms of Stewart as being difficult to work with, as setting unreasonably

Friday, September 6, 2019

How to Be Professional Engineer Essay Example for Free

How to Be Professional Engineer Essay Hong Kong is many large-scale infrastructures in future. There are many job chances. Chances are often but my lower educational background may not be able to secure. If I want to fight for more chances, I must continue to enhance me. Become a professional engineer, experience and education are same important. When I success join the HKIE member, it can certificate I have professional qualifications because become corporate membership need definite experience and education and after different assessment. That is a long way, cannot short time to complete. In route to membership, there are two way, it is Corporate Member and Associate Member. Corporate Member there is two types. It is Fellow and Member Fellow is a senior Corporate Member who is usually at least 35 years of age and has achieved positions of responsibility to which he/she has brought superior knowledge and practice in an engineering discipline. Member is a qualified professional engineer who has attained the age of 25, obtained an accredited/recognised degree or the equivalent in an acceptable engineering discipline, received adequate training, had sufficient responsible experience, and successfully completed the Institutions Professional Assessment or the equivalent. Associate Member is an engineering technologist who has attained the age of 23, obtained a Higher Diploma or Higher Certificate accredited/recognised by the Institution, or an acceptable equivalent in a recognised engineering or technological discipline, received adequate practical training, had appropriate responsible experience, and successfully completed the Institutions Assessment Interview In my own choice, I will think out join Associate Member, after Promotion to Member because I will have Recognised Higher Certificates, it is one of the main factors while I have Minimum of 3 to4 years experience. I can take the last step to Assessment Interview.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Family Law Answers to Problem Questions

Family Law Answers to Problem Questions Family Law Introduction The law of divorce is governed under the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 where it provides the sole ground for divorce, namely that the marriage between Jason and Sandra has broken down irretrievably.[1] Nevertheless, in order to establish irretrievable breakdown, Jason will have to show that one of the five facts listed in section 1(2) of the MCA 1973 has been established on proof (Richards v Richards)[2]. Meanwhile, it is notably that the court in England and Wales is given a wide power in determining the arrangement of children between the Jason and Sandra. Since Jason and Sandra are married, they both have parental responsibility for Joyce and Tom[3]. Their parent responsibilities will not be terminated even if the court grants them a decree of divorce. By virtue of CA 1989, the focus is on the welfares of the children[4] and thus the welfare checklist set out in section 1(3) of CA 1989 will be taken into account by the court in deciding whether to grant share residence to Jason and Sandra and to limit Sandra’s contact with Joyce and Tom. Divorce between Jason and Sandra Since the marriage between Jason and Sandra has lasted seven years, Jason is not restricted by the absolute bar on the presenting of petition for divorce within one year of marriage imposed by section 3(1) of the MCA 1973. Jason is allowed to petition for divorce if he is able to establish one of the five facts set out in section 1(2) of the MCA 1973. Adultery and Intolerability: section 1(2)(a) The first possible fact that Jason would rely on is that if adultery and intolerability contained in section 1(2)(a) of MCA 1973. In order to successful in this claim, Jason would have to show that Sandra has committed adultery and he finds it intolerable with her. In Dennis v Dennis[5], adultery is defined as a voluntary act of sexual intercourse between Sandra and another person who is of the opposite sex. On the fact, Jason’s brother saw Sandra and Craig having dinner at a local restaurant and then leaving the restaurant together late at night, holding hands and getting into the car. According to Sapsford v Sapsford[6], It is unlikely that this incident is sufficient to constitute a ground of adultery as there is no evidence of sexual intercourse between Sandra and Craig. However, following the case of Farnham v Farnham[7], Jason would want to raise a rebuttable presumption that Sandra has committed sexual intercourse with Craig by using the circumstantial evidence of incli nation and opportunity. However, it is unlikely this claim will be successful as the circumstances does not in any sense suggest that Sandra and Craig have indulged in sexual intercourse. Further, it must be noted that, adultery is a serious accusation to make and thus the courts have always insisted on strong evidence to allow such accusation.[8] Even if adultery can be established, Jason would have to show that he finds it intolerable to live with Sandra while the intolerability need not follow from Sandra’s adultery (Clearly v Clealy)[9]. According to Goodrich v Goodrich[10], the intolerability test is to be accessed subjectively and thus Jason could rely on the fact that he cannot cope with Sandra’s increasingly volatile behaviour and claims that it is intolerable to live with Sandra. Unreasonable Behaviour: section 1(2)(b) A more realistic option for Jason is section 1(2)(b) of MCA 1973, where it provides that Jason can rely on the ground of ‘unreasonable behaviour’ if he can establish that Sandra’s behaviour is such that it is unreasonable for him to continue living with her. According to Livingstone- Stallard[11], the focus is not on the gravity of the behaviour per se but on its impact on Jason. Following O’Neill v O’Neill[12], the test under s.1(2) is to be accessed both objectively and subjectively, the objective aspect concerns whether Jason is reasonably expected to stay with Sandra , while the subjective part takes into account the personalities of Jason and Sandra. Since we are told that Sandra’s behaviour becomes increasingly volatile, the chance that Jason will succeed in this claim would increase. It is likely that Sandra’s unreasonable behaviour can be established, it is then necessary to look at the character of Jason and Sandra and decide whether they can be expected to stay together reasonably (Ash v Ash)[13]. It can be pointed out that Sandra is having an adulterous relationship with Craig and this it might not be reasonable to expect Jason to live with her. At this point, it is arguable that the court will grant a decree of divorce on the ground of s.1(2)(b) based on Sandra’s behaviour that makes Jason cannot be reasonably expected to stay with her. Arrangements in relation with Joyce and Tom By virtue of section 2(1) of CA 1989, both Jason and Sandra owe parent responsibilities toward Joyce and Tom. Such responsibility is defined in section 3(1) as ‘all rights, duties, powers and responsibilities and authority which by law a parent of a child has in relation to the child and its property’. This right continue even after Jason and Sandra divorce. Nevertheless, under section 1(5) if CA 1989, Jason and Sandra are required to file a statement of arrangements for the children, detailing the measures that have been resolved between them and also the unresolved issues. On the facts, there are two issues to be considered in regards with Joyce and Tom: who should the children stay with and the extent of Sandra’s contact with the children. In regards with these unresolved issues, the court is able to make the child arrangements order under section 12 of the Children and Families Act 2014 which replaces the orders previously knowns as residence orders and contact orders contained in section 8 of Children Act 1989. The change of terminology supposed to move away from emphasis of ‘resident’ and ‘non-resident’ parent and shift the focus onto the children’s welfare[14]. In the other words, the court will take into account the welfare checklist set out in section 1(3) of the CA 1989. The Welfare checklist includes the ascertainable wishes feelings of Joyce and Tom; their physical, emotional and educational needs; the likely effect on Joyce and Tom in their circumstances; Joyce and Tom’s ages, sex, backgrounds and other relevant characteristics; any harm which they have suffered or are at risk of suffering; and how capable Jason and Sandra and Craig are meeting Joyce and Tom’s needs. We are told that Joyce is five years old and Tom is at an age of three. They are still young and might not be able to express their true wishes and feelings with regards to the issue of residence and contact and thus it is unlikely that the court will give weight to their wishes (Stewart v Stewart)[15]. In regards with their needs, even though there no presumption that a child’s emotional and physical needs are best met by the mother, the case law has showed a preference for keeping young children with their mother [Re S (a minor) (Custody)][16]. However, in Re H (A Minor)[17], it was held that the time has changed and that many fathers were as capable as mother of looking after small children and this may lead to a decision that in favour of Jason. Further, the facts that Sandra is under depression and her plan to move in with Craig, who is also has anger management issues will be taken into consideration under section 1(3)(e) by the court. Lastly, the capabilities of Jason a nd Sandra in meeting Joyce and Tom’s needs will be considered as well. Here, it is likely that Jason would have a good chance of obtaining a residence order as the facts that Sandra and Craig is starting a new relationship and there is no evidence that Craig seems to fit the stereotype of the replacement father. However, even if the court grants a residence order in favour of Jason, the parental responsibility of Sandra towards Joyce and Tom will not be terminated. According to Re R (A Minor)(Contact), Sandra will be granted a generous contact with Joyce and Tom because the court is on the view that ‘it is a right of a child to have a relationship with both parents wherever possible’.[18] The fact that both Sandra and Craig are under anger management course will deny Jason’s claim that Sandra has a mental condition that makes her inappropriate to be in contact with Joyce and Tom. (1500 words) Part 2 Introduction In 1956, the concept of no-fault divorce was first put forward by the Morton Commission in their report on the basis that the divorce law prior to that date has encouraged acrimony between the parties.[19] Such approach was taken by a series of Law Commission reports and led to the Introduction of Divorce Act 1969, which was later consolidated to the legal provision in use today, namely the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973. Section 1(1) of MCA 1973 provides that irretrievable breakdown of marriage is the only ground for divorce and this can only be established if one of the five facts listed in section 1(2) of the MCA 1973. There are two no fault facts that can be relied to establish divorce, namely the two years’ separation with the respondent’s consent to the divorce [section 1(2)(d)] and the five years’ separation [section 1(2)(e)]. However, the facts that the number of petition under these no-fault facts are much lesser than the fault facts of adultery [section 1( 2)(a)] and unreasonable behaviour [section 1(2)(b)] raises a question that whether the law of divorce in England and Wales can really be described as one of ‘no-fault’? This essay will argue that identifying who is at ‘fault’ is still very much a feature of the divorce system in Wales and such element can be proved decisive in determining issues such as division of financial assets, child contact and residence. Such approach was also put forward by John Eekelaar that the law that the current law of divorce is ‘deeply corrupting by the law itself’ as the individuals are prevented from accessing to their legal rights conferred on them by law.[20] Application of ‘no-fault’ divorce In order to obtain a speedy divorce, it is more likely that the parties to a relationship would be more willing to rely on fault- based divorce. The courts have taken a strict approach in allowing a non-fault divorce and the degree of separation does not limit to the normal notion of physical contact but it also involves mental element. For instance, in Mouncer v Mouncer, regardless the facts that the parties were slept in separate bedrooms, it was held that they were living apart as they continued to spend time with their children together.[21] At this point, it can be concluded that the law has failed to provide an effective method of no-fault divorce and this forces the party to a relationship to initiate a divorce claim by alleging fault on the part of the other party. In the other words, the law has failed to fulfil its original objective that to enable the parties of a marriage to end their relationship with minimum bitterness and hostility. Fault remains as an important exists that dominate the law of divorce in England and Wales today. Despite its decisive role in establishing a ground for divorce, the courts have also emphasised ‘fault’ of the parties in determining the consequences of a relationship breakdown. Division of financial assets and Child contact and residence According to Thorpe J in Dart v Dart, the court are given wide discretion to make orders which suits the needs of individual cases, albeit guided by the various factors set out in the statutory framework. With regards to the financial distribution on marriage breakdown, section 25(1) of the MCA 1973 required the court to take into account to all circumstance of the case, whereby section 25(2)(g) provides that the conduct of the parties is one of the factors that should be considered. Even though, it is arguably that the introduction of no-fault divorce by MCA 1973 reduced the significance of fault in determining the distribution of property, but by reviewing the case law, the outcome of the reform is somehow disappointing. In K v K, the court held that the husband was not entitled to his wife’s assets due to the facts that he had sexually abused his wife’s grandchildren.[22] Also, in H v H (Financial Relief: Attempted Murder as conduct), the wife was given a greater pri ority in the financial distribution because the husband had attacker her with knives and was convicted of attempted murder.[23] It is apparent that the fact that a spouse has behaved very badly will inevitably affect his or her entitlement to a greater priority in the financial distribution, and this encourages further animosity between the parties. As a result, section 25(2)(g) was highly criticised as it undermines the aim of the law to remove incentive to make allegations of fault in order to divorce peacefully. On the other hand, it must be noted that, by virtue of section 2(1) of Children Act 1989, the parental responsibility of the parties remains even after divorce. In determining the issue in relation to child contact and residence, the welfare checklist set out in section 1(3) of CA 1989 plays a prominent role in the decision making. Within the checklist, there is no reference to the ‘fault’ element at the part of the parents, but the courts are tend to grant the relevant order in favour of the ‘innocent’ parent with the conception that it will be the children’s best interest not to stay or even in contact with the ‘fault’ parent, particularly in the cases of domestic violence. Conclusion In conclusion, it is undeniably that the approach to divorce in England and Wales cannot be described as one of ‘no-fault’ as the ‘fault’ element is still playing a prominent role in relation with the issues of divorce and its consequences. Nevertheless, we are not arguing a reform towards a purely no-fault divorce because, as according to Deech, this will give too much freedom to the individual and give them a wrongful thought that divorce something can be obtained easily.[24] Instead, we are saying that the system of divorce should be balanced between a mixed mechanism with both ‘fault’ and ‘no-fault’ ground for divorce[25] but not letting the ‘fault’ feature dominate the whole system alone. (1041 words) Bibliography Table of Cases Ash v Ash [1972] 1 All ER 582 Clearly v Clealy [1974] 1 All ER 498 Dennis v Dennis [1955] P 153 Farnham v Farnham [1925] 133 LT 320 Goodrich v Goodrich [1971] 2 All ER 1340 H (A Minor), Re (1980) 2 FLR 253 H v H (Financial Relief: Attempted Murder as conduct) [2006] 1 FLR 990 K v K [2010] EWCA Civ 125 Livingstone- Stallard v Livingstone- Stallard [1974] Fam 47 Mouncer v Mouncer [1972] 115 SJ 327 O’Neill v O’Neill [1975] 1 WLR 1118 R (A Minor)(Contact), Re [1993] 2 FLR 762 Richards v Richards [1972] WLR 1073 S (a minor) (Custody), Re [1991] 2 FLR 388 Sapsford v Sapsford [1954] P 394 Serio v Serio (1983) 4 FLR 756 Stewart v Stewart [1973] 1 Fam 107 Table of Legislation Children Act 1989, s.1 Children Act 1989, s.2 Children Act 1989, s.3 Children Act 1989, s.8 Children and Families Act 2014, s.12 Matrimonial Causes Act 1973, s. 1 Matrimonial Causes Act 1973, s. 3 Matrimonial Causes Act 1973, s. 25 Secondary Sources Books Gilmore S and Glennon L, Hayes and Williams’ Family Law (4th edn, OUP 2014) Articles Deech R, ‘Divorce- A Disaster?’ [2009] FLR 1048 Eekelaar J, ‘Family Law- Keeping us â€Å"On Message†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ [1999] CFLQ 387 Law Commission, Family Law: The Ground for Divorce (Law Com No 192) [1] Matrimonial Causes Act, s.1(1). [2] [1972] WLR 1073. [3] Children Act 1989, s.2(1). [4] Ibid, s.1. [5] [1955] P 153. [6] [1954] P 394. [7] [1925] 133 LT 320. [8] Serio v Serio (1983) 4 FLR 756. [9] [1974] 1 All ER 498. [10] [1971] 2 All ER 1340. [11] [1974] Fam 47. [12] [1975] 1 WLR 1118. [13] [1972] 1 All ER 582. [14] Children Act 1989, s.1(1). [15] [1973] 1 Fam 107. [16] [1991] 2 FLR 388. [17] (1980) 2 FLR 253. [18] [1993] 2 FLR 762, Butler- Sloss LJ. [19] Royal Commission on Marriage and Divorce (Cmd 9878, 1956). [20] John Eekelaar, ‘Family Law- Keeping us â€Å"On Message†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ [1999] CFLQ 387. [21] [1972] 115 SJ 327. [22] [2010] EWCA Civ 125. [23] [2006] 1 FLR 990. [24] Ruth Deech, ‘Divorce- A Disaster?’ [2009] FLR 1048. [25] Law Commission, Family Law: The Ground for Divorce (Law Com No 192).